Sky Arte Festival
Chiesa di S. Maria dello Spasimo
12-13 October 2018
The Vice President of SAVE THE ARTISTIC HERITAGE Franco Losi, together with the art historian and critic Carlo Francini participated as guests of honor the event “Leonardo da Vinci, tra arte e tecnologia” (13 October 2018) during the SKY ARTE FESTIVAL in Palermo. A few months after the start of the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death, the dialogue between art and technology was reflected, at the base of the multidisciplinary activity of the Tuscan genius, inspiring today the extraordinary opportunity offered by the digital innovation.
Losi spoke about the idea from which the DAW® (Digital ArtWorks) and the company CINELLO were born.
The aim of SAVE THE ARTISTIC HERITAGE & CINELLO is to safeguard the heritage of Italian museums through DAW® (Digital ArtWorks).
These are limited series in 1:1 scale of the greatest masterpieces in the history of art, certified and impossible to reproduce. They are digital copies authenticated by the museums that hold the originals, and 50 % of the net revenues from their sale will go to support the owner museum.
The high technological content (which is made possible by the company Cinello and its patent) makes the DAW® absolutely impossible to reproduce and guarantees its uniqueness. These digital reproductions offer Italian and international museums the extraordinary possibility of organizing impossible exhibitions with artworks that are immovable from their original position.
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