The Christmas Stamp 2019 of Intesa San Paolo
Gallerie d'Italia

On the occasion of the philatelic postmark of Christmas 2019, Intesa San Paolo presents the artwork for the numbered stamp, Madonna with Child by Francesco Raibolini, in digital version thanks to the contribution of Cinello.

L’operazione rientra nel programma annuale di emissione di valori postali della Repubblica Italiana, appartenenti alla serie tematica delle Festività, che si propone di celebrare importanti momenti, laici e religiosi, legati all’identità nazionale.

This is the new holiday stamp dedicated to Christmas and issued by the Ministry of Economic Development, representing a painting from the bank’s collection, Madonna with Child, Infant St. John and St. Jerome, by Francesco Raibolini aka Il Francia and his workshop in the first decade of the 16th century.

The operation is part of the annual program of postal values of the Italian Republic, belonging to the thematic series of festivities, which aims to celebrate important secular and religious moments, linked to national identity.

Il francobollo viene stampato dall’Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato in rotocalcografia, su carta bianca, patinata neutra, autoadesiva, non fluorescente con una tiratura di cinquecentomila esemplari. Il francobollo a tema pittorico è stato emesso il 2 dicembre. Il bollettino illustrativo è firmato da Giovanni Bazoli, presidente emerito del gruppo bancario, e da Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, presidente di Intesa Sanpaolo.

The stamp is printed by the State Printing Institute in rotogravure on white paper, with neutral coating, self-adhesive, non-fluorescent in five hundred thousand copies. The painting-themed stamp was issued on 2 December. The illustrative bulletin is signed by Giovanni Bazoli, emeritus president of the banking group and by Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, president of Intesa SanPaolo.

The painting “Madonna with Child, Infant St. John and St. Jerome” is exhibited until 20 January 2020 in the National Museum of Warsaw as part of the exhibition Portrait of Youth. In Search of the Lost Masterpiece, dedicated to Raphael.